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Making Christmas Markets A Runaway Success

As the British appetite for Christmas markets continues to grow and they increasingly become a fixture in the annual festivities for towns and cities right across the UK, there has never been a better time to invest in the right power and services infrastructure to allow for hassle-free staging of these footfall-driving events every year.

With Christmas markets increasing the percentage of ‘out of town’ visitors by up 60 per cent in Birmingham and 72 per cent in Newcastle, local authorities and town centre managers would be wise to invest in the right infrastructure. Primarily, the staging of Christmas markets can be made much simpler with fewer safety risks by having access points for power, gas and other services installed permanently, but hidden away in the ground until they are needed. That’s the principle behind the retractable, Pop Up service units and In-Ground service units available from Pop Up Power Supplies®.

The UK company offers a wide range of solutions that are available on demand, thanks to units that are designed to be sunk into the ground and accessed by authorised operatives only when setting-up and hosting events like Christmas markets. By installing a number of units across the chosen site, such as a town centre square, hooking up wooden huts, market stalls, stages, food vending units, fairground rides and other attractions to services will be quick, easy and safe every year.

The units from Pop Up Power Supplies® provide the scope for local councils and town centre managers to provide a dependable power source with lids which are recessed to accommodate any infill surface material, whether it is stone, paving or grass. When retracted, this ensures that units blend seamlessly with the local environment, upholding the appearance of town urban landscapes.

Safety is assured with pop up and In-Ground Units. Traditional outdoor power supplies, such as power generators, are hazardous in their operation, and trip hazards come through long lengths of trailing power cables. Generators take up space too and allow members of the public to get too close to what is a potential electrocution hazard.

With In-Ground or Pop Up units from Pop Up Power Supplies®, safety is optimised as the power source is discreet to minimise the potential for accidental contact. The cables that connect into the units are generally short and can be placed near the power units, and these are covered with ease by cable protectors.


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